Dispatch Timeline
Ciceroni's Dispatch timeline ranges from 3 - 15 working days, depending on the products and the brand that you purchase from. Please check Dispatch Timelines before placing the order.
In case of international orders, there will be extra one week shipping time.
Why such long dispatch timelines ?
We provide platform to 90+ emerging designers of India to showcase their collection to a large but discerning audience. Owing to the limitations of small businesses in terms of resources, we honour and advocate their philosophy of made-to-order business model. It means that the designers will make these products only after your order is placed. This is to ensure that no extra resources are wasted, thereby helping not just their financial sustainability but also environmental sustainability. Yes, it means extra waiting time for you, but trust us, you will love it.
However, in case you have an urgent request, feel free to write to us on hello@ciceroni.in before you place the order and we will try to accommodate it, if possible.