There are so many jobs that are under appreciated or only appreciated on select days when they are celebrated. Did you wish your teacher this Teacher’s day or are you going to make the same mistake of letting it pass this year too?
Teachers are known for making the nation’s future. Somebody said it right, teachers are the backbone of the nation, because it is only through their knowledge and experience that we can have a better tomorrow. It is true that parents give birth to a child but it is teachers who shape the students ‘character and make them fine human beings. We can never really forget them..
This Teacher’s day why not acknowledge the efforts of both parents and teachers for teaching important life lessons.
Here are 7 things that you could do to make them feel special.
1) Personalized letters
We live and breathe words. Words have always inspired and influenced us. This Teacher’s day why not pen your story of compassion in form of handwritten letter. Letters have always been special.
Somebody said it right it’s only words that stay forever, then why not pen down your feeling of gratefulness towards them ?
2) Plate Art
Plate art have been an inspiration for many. If your teacher has been an inspiration for you, show her how you feel with the help of this art.
Would you want to gift your teacher an art piece made by you to make her house look beautiful?
3) Innovative gift
Chocolate is that one thing that everybody likes this Teachers day why not surprise a teacher by giving them chocolate but in a different container, even better idea is to make one pair it up with tiny note on it.
4) Quill it up
The art of paper quilling requires a lot of practice and patience but then aren’t these the same quality that teachers have? If so then why not gift them something which symbolizes them? This art will definitely make your teachers day. Oh and don’t forget to write a pretty note for the teacher
5) Go Green
Teachers are always concerned of students wasting papers and students not being nature friendly, this teacher’s day give your teacher a friend they would cherish. Gift them a plant for life so that they remember you each time it flowers.
6) Paint it All
If you are an artist, try painting for your teacher. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than an artist who can see the vitality and complexity of the world and portray it through his skills.
7) DIY
Are there many things that you are thankful to your teacher for? Why not think out of the box and make a camera out of an empty box and instead of putting pictures in the box why not write down the things that made you feel special?
You could also make a sipper for your teacher. There are many printable stickers available on net. In case you want to make a sticker for yourself, well that also can be done online.
It’s not always about how fancy you could be. Sometimes it’s about how to express and make somebody’s day!
Still confused as to what you could gift your teacher?
Well there is one thing that could always cheer up people. The charm of flowers never fails. A flower blossoms for everybody’s joy. This teacher’s day why not spread a joy on your teacher’s face?
So what would be your thoughtful idea of making your teacher’s day special?